Thursday, June 23, 2011

1 of 3 piece concrete wall block

One piece of a two-or-three piece module. Each module will stack on top of the other to create a wall that is similar to a lattice except that it is made of concrete, as well as hold soil within itself, which would only happen if all the pieces work together.

Once the correct plant is able to establish itself onto and within the structure, it will provide a stable environment for other plants to grow in as well, or perhaps ultimately take over.

The other pieces that would be required for this to work will hopefully assist with the holding soil for weeks or months at a time until roots and animal life have a chance to cohabitate on the structure.

Water would slowly move downward similar to terrace farming.

The concrete would keep the structure fairly cool, as well as be strong enough to support the amount of weight of plants, soil, and water.

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